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At Horizon we strive to be a church that protects all of the people in our care; children, adults, staff, pastors, and our elders. In order to do so, we have preventative safety measures in place such as an Ombudsman, a Child and Youth Safety Policy, as well as providing the ability to share any concerns with a volunteer, staff member, or pastor.


Below, you can find all of our procedures as well as information on how to file a report as a Mandated Reporter, notify the staff of a concern with a volunteer, and notify the Ombudsman of a staff concern.

File a Report

All volunteers that work with children at Horizon are mandated reporters. If you serve in Children's Ministry or Youth Ministry, you are legally obligated to file a report with Placer County if you see any signs of child abuse. You can follow the steps below to file your report.


At Horizon, we are committed to creating a safe place for children to interact and experience the love of Jesus. Our staff is equipped to walk through the reporting process with you physically and spiritually.


Initiate a Suspected Child Abuse Report with Placer County. If you are unsure if you need to file a report, it is better to file a report and be wrong. Remember that your job as a mandated reporter is not to investigate, it is only to report. The step-by-step process to complete the full report can be found here: Child Welfare Services & Foster Care Services of Placer County


Use the links below to inform the staff member that oversees the ministry you serve in what you saw and that you filed a report.

In the rare occurrence that a staff member is involved in the suspected abuse, please ONLY inform Greg Winter, Horizon's Ombudsman, to allow for any necessary investigations.

If you're not a mandated reporter but believe you should file a report for suspected child abuse, please click here.

File a Report

Notify the Staff of Volunteer Misconduct

Thank you for your desire to protect the children and youth that are entrusted to our care. By submitting this form, you are notifying the staff at Horizon of a formal complaint against a volunteer. Upon submission of this form, our Pastoral Staff and our Ombudsman will be notified of your submission. The Ombudsman's role in your formal concern is accountability that your concern is thoroughly investigated and addressed. You will receive a follow-up email from our Pastoral Staff within 7 days of submission. 


Please note that this for is NOT a report for suspected child abuse as a mandated reporter. To file a report for suspected child abuse as a mandated reporter, please click HERE.

Thanks for submitting your concern. Our Pastoral Staff will be in contact within 7 days.

Voluteer Misconduct
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