If you are new and some of what we do is confusing to you, this may help:
Why do we start with a call to worship?
Worship is not about us, it is about God. While God may meet us powerfully in worship, we gather to give God glory. Our call to worship is a way of bringing our attention to this call for all of us to worship God in spirit and in truth. In body or in Spirit, we stand to honor God as we begin.
Why do we read so much scripture?
In the New Testament, we read that the church is to be devoted to the public reading of scripture. So, each service we include passages from the Old Testament, Psalms, Gospels and Epistles, following the Lectionary which guides us through the whole Bible in three years. Because we believe the word of the Lord is a gift to the church, when one person reads, we all respond, “Thanks be to God.”
Why do we say the creeds?
We say or sing the creeds regularly because they are a synopsis of the basic tenants of the Christian faith that have been accepted by the church historically and globally. When we say them, we are literally affirming the same faith of the saints for two thousand years and we are saying them with people of every tongue tribe and nation in the world today.
What are the “Prayers of the People”?
At Horizon, at the end of our time of singing, we regularly invite people to speak out to God words of thanksgiving or intercession. And after one prays, we respond together, “Lord, hear our prayers.”
Why do we light candles?
Many of our people light candles as a way of praying for a person or burden they are carrying. It is a way of seeing our prayers being lifted up to the father.
Why do we do confession?
Confession is a gift. We get to be honest with God about our shortcomings and how they have hurt Him, the people in our lives, and ourselves. We then hear words of absolution, which free us from guilt and condemnation. We become free people who recognize the power of Christ over sin and death.
Why do we take Communion so often?
Eucharist, which means “thanksgiving”, is the culmination of our worship service. Here we experience the presence of God in the act of faith as we take and eat. Everything in the service points to this transformative moment.
What is the church calendar?
In our worship, we take time to remember significant events in the Christian calendar like Advent, Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and others.
Why do the colors on the table change?
Each season of the church calendar has a different color associated with it we remind us what we are celebrating. (Purple is for Advent and Lent, white is for Easter, black is for Good Friday, red is for Pentecost, green for ordinary time).
What is the history behind the Horizon cross?
This cross is a replica of one that hangs in the Ely Cathedral in Ely, England. The cross is rough and uneven, reminding us that the materials for crucifixion were base and unfinished. Some people see a river that runs from the cross to the world, and others see a road that leads to the cross. Allow God to speak to you through this vibrant image.
Why do we say "Grace and Peace"?
At the end of the service we ask you to turn to a neighbor or find someone new and offer them "Grace" and "Peace". Not only is the way that the apostle Paul signed off on most of his letters, but these two words describe the dominant ways of blessing in the Old Testament (Shalom which means Peace) and in the New Testament (Grace which means Gift or Blessing). Join us as we bless each other before we dismiss.